Things that shaped me.

This is what I remember has had the most effect on me!

God and Jesus.

American Revolution 1765 thru 10/19/1783.

Patrick Henry’s “If this be treason, make the most of it!” 5/29/1765

Massachusetts colonists challenge British rule by an Elm (Liberty Tree) 8/14/1765.

Sam Adams 9/27/1722 – 10/02/1803

All of “The Sons of Liberty”. (8/14/1765)

Boston Massacre 3/5/1770.

Boston Tea Party 12/16/1773.

Second Boston Tea Party 3/7/1774.

Patrick Henry’s “…give me liberty, or give me death!” 3/23/1775.

The Shot that was heard Round the world 4/19/1775.

The Continental Congress commissioned George Washington as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army on June 19, 1775 – 1783.

Abigail Adams wrote “remember the ladies?” these words to her husband, John Adams, on March 31, 1776, nearly 150 years before the House of Representatives voted to pass the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote.

Declaration of Independence 7/4/1776.

Articles of Confederation, the first constitution of the United States, on 11/15/ 1777.

“I have not yet begun to fight.”(really said: “I may sink, but I’m damned if I’ll strike”) – Captain John Paul Jones

Thomas Jefferson 4/13/1743 – 7/4/1826.

Great Britain formally recognized the independence of the United States in the Treaty of Paris 9/3/1783.

United States Constitution 9/17/1787.
(United States population was 4 million.)
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
(James Madison(4) wrote the document that formed the model for the Constitution and Thomas Jefferson(3).)

President Washington  1789 – 1797.

Bill of Rights 12/15/1791. (James Madison(4) Father of the Bill of Rights.)

11th Amendment (USA Judicial power not for Citizens of Foreign State) 2/7/1795.

12th Amendment (Electors vote) 6/15/1804.

The 1828 presidential election was the first in which non-property-holding white males could vote in the vast majority of states. By the end of the 1820s, attitudes and state laws had shifted in favor of universal white male suffrage.

The Trail of Tears The Indian-removal process continued. In 1836, the federal government drove the Creeks from their land for the last time: 3,500 of the 15,000 Creeks who set out for Oklahoma did not survive the trip.

Communist Manifesto (Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels) 1848.

1st. Income Tax in USA (to pay for Civil War.) 1861.
(The start of The Deep State? and The End of the American Dream.) (Not Constitutional.) (14 year’s from Communist Manifesto.)

Emancipation Proclamation 1/1/1863.

Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth on Good Friday, April 14, 1865.

13th Amendment (Ends Slavery) 12/6/1865.

14th Amendment (Born or naturalized (subject to jurisdiction thereof) are citizens. And No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the USA. (Bill of Rights must extend to each state equally.)) 6/9/1868.

Statue of Liberty (Dedicated: 10/28/1886 Gift of France)

15th Amendment (All male citizens can Vote) 2/3/1870.

Wright Brothers flight 12/17/1903.

President Thomas Woodrow Wilson 1913 – 1924

16th Amendment (Income Tax) 2/25/1913. (Now Income Tax is Constitutional.)(55 year’s from Communist Manifesto.)

17th Amendment (the People vote on Senators now.) 4/8/1913.

President Woodrow Wilson signed the Revenue Act of 1913, the first post–Civil War Income Tax 10/3/1913. (55 year’s from Communist Manifesto.)

18th Amendment (No liquor) 1/16/1919.

19th Amendment (The Women can now Vote) 8/18/1920. (Now former slaves and Women can now Vote!) (Now Liberty and Freedom for All(Bill of Rights) Leave me alone and I will leave you alone.)

President Roosevelt 1933-1945.

20th Amendment (Begin Terms of President and Vice President, and Begin Terms of Senators and Representatives.) 12/5/1933.

21 Amendment (18 Amendment repealed (No liquor)) 12/5/1933.

The attack on Pearl Harbor (A date which will live in infamy.) 12/7/1941.

Internment camps. 2/19/1942 (American citizens of Japanese descent.(Oops. Not a bright spot in American history.))

I was born during WWII on 12/05/1944.

Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima 2/23/1945.

President Truman 04/12/1945-1953.

VE Day. (Victory in Europe) 5/8/1945.

USA Nuclear Bombs Hiroshima 8/6/1945.

USA Nuclear Bombs Nagasaki 8/9/1945.

VJ Day (Victory over Japan Day) 8/14/1945

I did not meet my Dad till I was 2 years old 12/05/1946 (WWII).

We moved from Fort Smith Arkansas to Springfield Illinois 1946.

Desegregation of the Military 1948.

My Dad did not talk about WWII till after the Korean war.

Dad and Mom.

Grandpa and Grandma.

Berlin Blockade 6/24/1949.

My  Sister (Tomee Sue) is born 12/11/1949?

Korean war 1950-1953.

Susan Lee was born 3/5/1952. (My Soulmate.)

22 Amendment (The President can not be Elected more than twice) 2/27/1951.

My Dad had to go to War second time 1950 or 1951?.

The Book of Knowledge 1952.

My Dad came home from war 1952.

We moved from Springfield Illinois to Milwaukee Wisconsin 1952.

President Eisenhower 1953-1961.

Vietnam War start 11/1/1955.

My Dad did not have to go to War. But he had to recruit others to go to war.

I was confirmed by the Presbyterian Church 6/9/1957. (By Pastor G. H. Carey.)

The Space Race. Sputnik 1st satellite by the Russians 10/04/1957. The US Army could have been the 1st, but the Politicians wanted to wait for the Air force to do it. The Air force tried more than once and the US Army was held back! The Army sent up Explorer 1 (1/31/1958) the Army had Dr. Warner Von Braun from Germany.(Warner Von Braun 3/23/1912 – 6/16/1977) “Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.” “I have learned to use the word impossible with the greatest caution.” “We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming.” (Creator of the V2 , the Redstone and the Saturn Rocket(Moon)).

NASA 6/29/1958 (National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an independent agency of the executive branch.)

I was a Boy Scout 195?.

I was in the Civil Air Patrol 195?

I start High School 1959.

Swimming – Coach Ervin Straub.

In Swimming I learned how to Lose and Win. When you Win it may be timing is how you Win some times. When you lose you do a lot of learning, if you are Smart. I liked Winning more then losing, but I did a lot of learning. I was State Champion 5 times, but 2nd more then 10 times(losing). When you lose if you got your best time you can hold your head up. (I got to hold my head up a lot.)

I got my first job as a Life Guard and Swimming Instructor. (I hated Income Tax from then on.)

Drama – Drama Coach David Gawronski.

In Drama you get to play winners and losers and also Rans. But you are just playing!

I got to play in “Rebel without a cause” I got to die on stage every night. (Before I went on stage I could not remember my lines. But when I got on stage I did not miss a line.)

President Kennedy 1961-1963.

23 Amendment (DC gets Senator and Representative) 3/29/1961.

Kennedy turns back on “Bay of bigs” fighters. 4/17/1961

Berlin Wall go’s up 8/13/1961.

Kennedy Sets a Goal Man on Moon by the end of the Decade.

Cuban Missile Crisis. (A bad time for my Mom (Dad was in the Army and I was about to be 18,so my mom was afraid my Dad and I might go to War.)) 10/22/1962.

President Kennedy is killed! 11/22/1963 (The end of my Innocence.)

President Kennedy’s Killer is killed! (The end of Trust in USA Government.)

President Johnson 1963-1969.

24th Amendment (no poll tax or other tax to Vote.) 1/23/1964.

My Grandpa Died (The 1st. person I was close to that Died.) ?/?/196?

University of Texas massacre: 17 dead 8/1/1966.

President Johnson’s Nuclear War ad (Most effective ad!) 9/7/1964.

Community Theater Milwaukee (Midwest Scenery We went to a number of Schools and Theaters.)

25th Amendment (Presidential succession and Removal of the President) 2/10/1967.

Milwaukee Race Riots. 6/30/1967 (I Volunteered with The American Red Cross to run Food to the riot Area. (We were only allowed to bring food to the police.))

Vietnam War came home to my generation. (When was the last military draft lottery? ?12/1/1969? I was in California by then, But I remember being in Wisconsin!)

Martin Lutheran King is killed! 4/4/1968.

Bobby Kennedy is killed! 6/6/1968.

I Moved to California 9/?/1968.

Community Theater Santa Monica ?1969. (This is where Susan Lee and I met.)

I became the production Manager of the Morgan Theater.

The Night Thoreau spent in jail 6/24/1846( we did the play at the Morgan Theater.)

President Nixon 1969-1974.

Man lands on the Moon! (Saturn Rocket) (I was backpacking so we heard it on the radio.) (“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” – Armstrong) (The Greatest accomplishment of Humankind to date.) 6/20/1969.

Kent State shootings (Unarmed college students 4 dead by Ohio National Guard.) 5/4/1970. (A Famous Photograph of a woman crying over a Victim.)

Hardhat Riot 5/8/1970

15000 Construction workers Demonsrted (Workers’ Woodstock) 5/20/1970.

26th Amendment (Citizens 18 years or older can now Vote.) 4/1/1971.

President Nixon’s Men break in to Watergate. 6/17/1972.

President ford 1974-1977.

Presidential pardon of Richard Nixon (Proclamation 4311 ) was issued on 9/8/1974, by President Gerald Ford, which granted his predecessor Richard Nixon a full and unconditional pardon for any crimes he might have committed against the United States while president.

I read The Mythical Man-Month after 1975.

Vietnam War end 4/30/1975

Bill Todd & Susan Lee are Married on 12/26/1975. (Susan Lee is my Soulmate.)

President Carter 1977-1981.

Carter gives back the Panama canal 9/7/1977.

My Dad Died 7/4/1978 (I felt Mortal.).

I started The Data Workers 1978.

Carter talks Shaw of Iran to leave Iran 2/11/1979.

Iran is Taken over by Muslim Extremist.

Iran takes USA Embassy and holds Hostages 11/4/1979.

President Reagan 1981-1989.

Iran gives back Hostages. 1/21/1981, just a few hours after Ronald Reagan delivered his inaugural address, the remaining hostages were released. (They had been in captivity for 444 days.)

USA go’s to War with Grenada 8/25/1983.

20 year high school reunion 1983.

Chernobyl disaster was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 4/26/1986.

President Reagan Says: “Tear down this Wall“. (6/12/1987)

Susan’s Dad Died 4/26/1988.

“Read my lips: no new taxes”George H. Bush 8/18/1988

President  George H Bush 1989-1993.

The Wall comes down 11/9/1989.

Panama war 12/20/1989.

“Can we all just get along.” 5/1/1992 – Rodney King

27th Amendment (Compensation for Congress) (Part of the Bill of Rights was ratified by the vote of Michigan.) 5/7/1992.

Ross Perot presidential campaign in 1992.(I start My search for a Political Party. Up to this time I was a Independent.)

Ruby Ridge 8/21/1992.

President Bill Clinton 1993-2001.

Muslim Extremist Terrorist Attack The World Trade Center

President Clinton does not Respond.

FBI killed all(Men, Women and Children) in Raid at Waco 4/19/1993.

US Terrorist brings down FBI Building(Raid at Waco) and Innocent People killed 4/19/1995.

David Bergland “Libertarianism in one lesson” 1st book I read on Libertarianism.

I became a Libertarian 10/22/1996.

Protest when the Libertarians marched across the Delaware (1st Libertarian Protest I attended.) 7/4/1997 Richard Boddie (led march across the Delaware(street).)

Somewhere after here I started to Protest Income Tax from then on.

David Nolan; (11/23/1943 – 11/21/2010) Known for Founding the Libertarian Party. (I was David’s Campaign Treasurer on his run for Congress in California.) (Creator of the Nolan Chart(Worlds smallest political quiz.)) (David predicted their would be a political upheaval. It happened 2016. )

My Mom (Anna Lee) Died 4/19/1997.

Tomee sue (My sister) went back to school to become a Nurse (?1998).

Susan and I had fund raiser for Steve Kubby’s run for Governor. (1998)

Susan and I had fund raiser for Steve Kubby’s Legal Defense. (1999)

Susan’s Mom Died 8/4/1999.

I became Chair of The Libertarian Party’s Orange County 2000.

A Cuban Boy is  Elián González sent back to Cuba  after he escapes to America. 6/?/2000.

President George W Bush 2001-2009.

911 (World Trade Center came down) 9/11/2001. (A date which will live in infamy in my mind.)

USA go’s to War with Afghanistan 10/7/2001-present.

California Libertarian Ted Brown run for Congress “the perennial candidate” 1994 – 2004. (Protest kept out of debate.)

Jewish Defense League leader Irv Rubin died. – 11/14/2002

USA go’s to War with Iraq 3/19/2003.

Senate run Libertarian Judge Gray 2004. (Protest kept out of debate.)

Flag (Take Back Liberty) Delivered on Flag day 06/14/2005.

Orange County Superior Court piecemakers Marie Kolasinski gets jail January 12, 2007. (Protest for Marie Kolasinski.)

I again became Chair of The Libertarian Party’s Orange County 2007.

President Obama 2009-2017.

GM gos bankrupt (President Obama makes a deal to take some GM assets and give to the workers) 6/1/2009.

Osama bin Laden is killed 5/2/2011.

President Obama turns back on USA Banghazi Embassy (on 911 because we killed Osama bin Laden the year before) 9/11/2012.

I had a operation to work on My Schwannoma (The Schwannoma was wrapped round my nerves on the right side of my face) 1/28/2015.

10/7/2016, the ODNI (National Intelligence) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) jointly stated that the U.S. Intelligence Community was confident that the Russian Government directed recent hacking of emails with the intention of interfering with the U.S. election process.

Russian Collusion Investigation by FBI ?11/?/2016. Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Pay for a “Dossier” against Trump.

President Trump 2017 – ?.

“Make America Great Again!”

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act 12/22/2017 (Top rate @ 37% Individual changes Expire end of 2025. (Why someone must Stop Personal Income Tax!))

Florida school shooting 12:18 pm 2/14/2018.

Billy Graham Died 02/21/2018.

Congress (Russian Collusion Investigation ends (FBI Russian Investigation gos on.)) 3/12/2018.

*I started thinking about someone should write a Book (Take Back Liberty) 06/08/2018. (Take Back The American Dream.)

Trump and North Korea Kim Met in Singapore 06/11/2018.

Trump and Putin Met in Helsinki Finland 7/16/2018.

Trump puts Tariffs on Turkey 8/10/2018.

Trump puts Tariffs on Iran 8/16/2018.

Trump ends Top Secret classification for some in The Deep State 8/15/2018.

*I started thinking about someone should write a Book (Killing The American Dream) 08/16/2018. (How The Communist Manifesto and Karl Marx Killed The American Dream.)

Senate Hearing (Brett Kavanaugh vs Christine Blasey Ford) 06/27/2018.

Turkey gives back a American 10/13/2018.

Saudi Journalist’s Disappearance Reshapes Mideast Power Balance 10/18/2018.

Florida starts a recount after Election of 2018. 11/10/2018.

North Korea backtracks 11/12/2018.

The President of France makes a speech and disagrees President Trump (Nationalism) 11/13/2018.

President George H Bush Died 11/30/2018

Trump Closes government 12/21/18.

Trump has a meeting with Democrats and walks out 1/9/2019.

Trump is accused of making his lawyer lie 1/17/2019.

Special Investigator is not accurate 1/19/2019.

North Korea is caught with Unreported Rocket Sites 1/21/2019.

President Trump has said he will meet North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on February 27-28 for a second summit. The head-to-head is slated to take place in Vietnam.

President Trump cancels meeting with Kim. No agreement reached 2/28/2019.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, met with Kim (off North Korea) last month 5/4/2019.

North Korea Fires a Rocket 5/04/2019.

David Bergland dies at 83 6/03/2019.

President Trump meets with the china leader about Tariffs.

President Trump “at DMZ a step into history” 6/30/2019.

Nike pulled a new shoe with “The Betsy Ross First U.S. Flag on it.” 6/4/2019

Democrats start a Impeachment of President Trump 9/26/2019.

President Trump turns back on allies(Kurds) 10/9/2019.

NBA kiss’s up to China over hong kong 10/9/2019.

Turkey attacks allies(Kurds) 10/10/2019.

President Trump makes temporary deal with China on Tariffs 10/13/2019.

“Constitutional Carry” went into effect in Oklahoma. 11/1/2019.

North Korea Fires Rockets 11/28/2019.

Democrats vote to Impeachment of President Trump. Nancy Pelosi will not send the Impeachment papers to The Senate 12/18/2019.

Iran kills a American 12/27/2019.

American kills a Iran General 1/3/2020.

Iran gets back (American kills a Iran General) 1/7/2020.

(Last update: 2020-08-15)