In addition to stopping Income Tax we must look at the following:
1.Liberty and Freedom for All(Bill of Rights)? Leave me alone and I will leave you alone. (Like Liberty from Income Tax which I dislike.)
2.Better Accounting practices (Track Expenses to the dollar by department.)
3.Deep State? (The Deep State Loves The Income Tax.) (Deep State parts? DOJ, FBI, IRS and State Dept.. Employees from inside DC and NY get switched with Employees outside DC and NY.)
4. Facebook, Amazon, Google, Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Ebay, Wikipedia and Twitter need to be Regulated (If People are stopped for objectionable talk (than a Live USA citizen (That knows the Law) must read it over before it is stopped!)(All must stop selling Individuals Data unless the Individuals give permission.)(Facebook – must stop selling individuals friends names.)(All U. S. Companies must stop doing business with USA’s Adversaries without government permission.))
5. Cipher (Internet) Terrorist (Ransomware)? (Isolate IP addresses up the line.) (Have F.B.I. go after Ransomware Criminals not Political Criminals.)
6. Deficit. (Bad. See #2 under Fair Tax changes.)
7. Tariffs? (Good or Bad? Bargaining Chip yes.) (Have Free Trade, but Fair Trade (no Tariffs from either side.).)
8. Fix Healthcare. (Catastrophic Medical Coverage (Free Clinics with Emergency Clinics) and Private Insurance can go across State lines. Pharmaceutical Companies that sell in USA can not price their products at a higher price then they sell from anywhere. This includes any subsidiaries or licensee.)
9. Prison and Asylums Reform (improve conditions inside prisons. Implement alternatives to incarceration.)
10. Stop school shootings (Some Causes: Mental Health,Long hallways(Shooting Gallery), Gun free Zones) Movie Theaters, Churches and other venues. (Shooters come in from back.)
11. Homeless? (See if some Businesses and Churches will pay to House Homeless at places out of towns?)
12. Race Relations? Work on.
13. Gender Relations? Work on.
14. Foreign Relations? (Have Free Trade for All.(See 7. Tariffs)) (Find a way to Stop all Foreign Wars.)
England Good Friend
Canada Good Friend
Australia Good Friend
Israel Good Friend
France Foe (Was a Friend.)
North Korea Foe. (Shoot down Rockets and Attack the Launchers.) (Becoming a Friend.)
Iran Foe? (Support a more Moderate Government?) (Shoot down Rockets and Attack the Launchers.)
Syria Foe? (Isolate bad Behavior?)
Russia Foe? (Isolate bad Behavior?)
China Foe? (Isolate bad Behavior? (stop stealing USA companies secrets.))
Afghanistan Foe? (Isolate bad Behavior?)
Pakistan Foe? (Isolate bad Behavior?)
Turkey Foe? (Support a more Moderate Government?) (Becoming a Friend.)
South Korea Friend
Japan Friend
India Friend
Jordan Friend
Saudi Arabia Friend maybe Foe? (Stop Muslim extremist training.)
Philippines Friend maybe Foe?
South of the Borders ?
Friend or Foe?
Mexico Foe? (Stop people from coming in at our border.)
Guatemala Friend or Foe?
Belize Friend or Foe?
Honduras Friend or Foe?
El Salvador Friend or Foe?
Nicaragua Friend or Foe?
Costa Rica Friend or Foe?
Panama Friend or Foe?
(Last update: 2019-10-10)